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  • Writer's pictureLaura Greer

Courage and Curiosity Lead to Capacity and Capability

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Courage and Curiosity Lead to Capacity and Capability

Do you tend to think your capacity and capability are limited?

I sure have struggled with this mindset over the years. I thought my capacity and capability were fixed. This was in large part due to some limiting belief systems from childhood. I took to heart what may have been intended as thoughtful advice and mentoring and continued to use it as an excuse to live, while unbeknownst to me, below my capacity and capability.

Some of the messages were directly aimed at socioeconomic status, geographic location, and even gender. Many of those messages weren't overt, but relayed in the subliminal message that certain things were out of reach for certain people. Because I'm a female, there were certain expectations of me as I grew into a woman. I even remember being told a higher education in theology would lead a person on a journey of the destruction of their soul.

Yep, that and so much more.

Can you relate?

Maybe you've gotten some of this messaging over your lifetime. With the onslaught of social media, we're bombarded on all sides by false narratives. What are we to believe about ourselves in this age of digital chaos and brain clutter?

Last week, in Courage, Curiosity and (Dis)Comfort, we explored how discomfort with the status quo can invite us into a space of courage and curiosity, which can lead to growth and new, even unexpected opportunities. Today, let's explore how courage and curiosity can lead to increased capacity and capability.

If you've gotten the message that your capacity is limited in any way because of where you grew up, the color of your skin, your gender, or any other stereotype, let me assure you, stepping out of that bondage and entering into a paradigm shift of a growth mindset can be life changing.

It takes practice, and the practice is so worth it. As you begin to practice, keep in mind Romans 12:2:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed

by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve


Courage and Curiosity Lead to Capacity

When we have the courage to enter into the journey of understanding more about how intricately we are created, and the curiosity to discover and explore that which has been within us all along, our capacity will grow.

Why? Because when we have courage and curiosity, we begin to develop a healthy confidence in what we do. We certainly won't have it all figured out, nor is this a pompous confidence, but understanding who we are created to be gives us the ability to filter our lives through the lens of what we value most. We begin to live more authentically, knowing we are created for the things God has planted in our lives. The seeds are begging to be nourished. Living more authentically allows us to emerge from the shadows and grow in capacity.


Courage and Curiosity Lead to Capability

Likewise, having the courage and curiosity to enter this journey of self-discovery, our capability will increase.

Having embraced our growing capacity, we begin to explore new opportunities in life. Many of these opportunities may look nothing like you'd expect, and that's when it gets exciting!

Friends, we may live in a digital world that will quickly put upon us those false narratives, but we can also turn that around and find the tools that are now more easily accessible than ever in order to expand our capability. There are so many opportunities to learn and grow just waiting to be explored. If it seems too overwhelming and you don't know where to start, don't be afraid to ask someone. If you need a safe place to start, let me know.


Rather than allow the world to cause you to hide under a shell, how about instead you take one tiny step of courage today and have some curiosity about what God has planted within you?

Where would you like to grow in your capacity and capability? Comment below and let's get the conversation started!

If you struggle believing in your worth because of the false narratives that have been spoken into your life, head over to Affirm Your Worth for a free, printable pdf of biblical affirmations of truth. Place it where you'll see it often to remind you that your worth is invaluable!

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